Look Inside The Global Market Model


The ‘Markets’ tab

The Global Market Model is the world’s leading market sizing database covering the size and growth of hundreds of goods and services markets – both in terms of monetary value as well as in units/measurements sold. Data is available for 58 geographies and regions, as displayed through the ‘Markets’ tab.

The ‘Companies’ tab

summarizes the background of each business and details on the products and services it offers, providing the most clear-cut steps to take in your market intelligence activities

It analyzes the financial performance of the company up to the most recent full financial year of results, allowing users to do more in-depth analysis of the major companies covered in the 27 industries available. This competitive analysis is visualized in the form of graphs and tables for easy comprehension.

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In addition, the model gives data on a range of other indicators. For example, the number of firms, people, and factories in a particular industry. These are especially useful when compared to market size – in this case giving average revenues per firm, employee, or factory in a market. This data is visible through our straightforward market intelligence software,

the ‘Analytics’ tab

The database also provides qualitative information on the shape of different markets, their development, and key trends through hundreds of reports authored by our expert market analysts. These are available through the

‘Reports’ tab


Finally, the latest findings from our research are highlighted in the form of articles under

the ‘Insights’ tab

Take a look at the video for more information on the Global Market Model.